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Technique for Moving Document Exchange Content to New DNN Site
Last Post 11/24/2014 2:28 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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John C
New Member
New Member

11/15/2014 7:03 PM
I'd like to move all content in Document Exchange from one DNN site into another DNN site. Both DNN sites are on the same DNN host.

Currently I'm running version Doc Exchange 6.0.1 on DNN 6.0.2 (due to running on an ancient, very slow host - soon to move to PowerDNN or something), so will be updating everything in the next week or two.

There are "Export Content" and "Import Content" options from the Doc Exchange Explorer View - which asks for a file name, but not a path to anything on my local computer. Have others had success with these, or is there another route to consider? (I could go all the way to creating custom SQL scripts if needed, but that would take me days, and I suspect isn't needed.)

Once I'm on the faster host I think a number of issues will vanish, but need to provide an time estimate to the client before doing that. Thanks for any insights on whether this is generally a routine or unusual task!

(PS Thanks Peter for your great work on the DNN blog too!)
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

11/24/2014 2:28 PM
Moving from one portal to another means rewiring all portal ids in the data layer. That should be quite doable. Run through all the DMX tables and you can see how and where they wire to the portal. BUT. The content is also wired to users and roles. Those are also wired to portals. So you risk ending up having broken permissions for instance as entries are tied to roles that are in the other portal.
In short: I think it's doable but it takes very careful and long SQL effort. You need to test carefully to craft a perfect script for this operation. Obvioulsy I can't give any guarantees as this is not a scenario I designed for.

Peter (thanks for the Blog mention)
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