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Last Post 06/03/2009 10:45 AM by  Peter Donker
DMX 05.01.00 Released
 1 Replies
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Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/02/2009 5:00 PM

    Hi All,

    The all new version is here. Check out more on this release in this blog post. Here are the main points:

    Enhancement: Hyperlink clicks are now tracked in the DMX log (logged as 'download')
    Enhancement: Synchronized folders to synchronize DMX with folders on your server's hard disk
    Change: LastModified date now set in DB
    Enhancement: Attributes global or per folder, inherited or not, and multilingual
    Enhancement: SQL performance enhancements
    Enhancement: New edit screen that displays everything at once instead of wizard interface
    Enhancement: default edit screens as well for DMX instances (see module settings screen)
    New Feature: The 'graveyard'. After a hard delete files are moved to DMX/Graveyard and data is removed from database and written to an XML file. Accidental hard deletes will no longer result in data loss.
    Change: import now works completely through querystring and no longer through session variables to avoid any issues with session state
    Enhancement: Import also possible to root directory
    Enhancement: Categories on a zip file are permutated to unzipped files
    Change: changes to permissions logic to force them to always show up in the same order in the checkbox list

    Installation notes:

    Nothing special for installation. Upload as you would any module using Module Definitions. Note though that the Bring2mind.ComponentArt.Web.UI.dll is being replaced by ComponentArt.Web.UI.dll. This due to issues in ASP.NET 3.5. It should all be done automatically, but if for some reason you get stuck make sure the web.config entries that refer to the first dll are indeed now pointing to the second and that the first dll is no longer in the bin directory and the second is.


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    06/03/2009 10:45 AM

    Note for users on IIS7 in Integrated Pipeline mode

    In your case you're using the new segment system.webServer in the web.config. If you already copied over the parts from system.web for a previous version of DMX (there are 3 modules and 4 handlers defined) then you'll get a site error after upgrade to DMX 5.1. Don't panic. All you need to do is replace Bring2mind.ComponentArt with ComponentArt in the web.config wherever it is mentioned. But make sure the old dll has been replaced with the new.

    Technical details:

    The modules and handlers tell IIS what code to run upon a web request. The modules run on every request. These modules include 2 modules for progress handlers of upload components for DMX. One of them uses ComponentArt. Since the namespace has changed for v 05.01.00 it means IIS will no longer find that bit of code and it will assume the site is broken. What needs to be done is to inform IIS that it is now a different namespace (i.e. the one without the leading Bring2mind).

    The namespace Bring2mind was introduced at first to keep the dll apart from other vendors. However, DNN is now making moves to provide proper handling of shared libraries. DMX 5.1 is preparing for this future and the dll is moved back into its old namespace. A second issue was that there were issues with the custom namespace in .net 3.5.
