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Last Post 06/18/2007 11:26 PM by  Peter Donker
Cut/Paste bug with files that have more than one version
 1 Replies
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Brian Stevenson
New Member
New Member

06/06/2007 4:38 PM

    I am running DMX 3.4.9 with DNN 4.5.3.

    I was demonstrating DMX to my CIO and I was very embarassed when the cut/paste function broke.  Here is how to reproduce the situation...

    Create Two folders (Folder1 and Folder2)
    Create Three files under Folder1
    Choose any two of those files, and upload a second version of those files.
    Check all three files and cut them.
    Paste them into Folder2.
    You will see them under Folder2.
    Go back to Folder1.
    Two of the three files are still there!!

    That happened during my demo yesterday and it was very embarassing. 

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    06/18/2007 11:26 PM
    Sorry to hear about the emberrasment. The cut/copy/paste functionality will be examined again. In DMX 4 it is being rewritten because it has shown faults before.
    Kind regards,
