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0 Replies and 14902 Views Purge DMX_Log Table  14902  0 Started by  JT My DMX_Log table contains 5 million records and is bloating my database. Is there a utility for purging it or is it safe for me to just manually do so via an adhoc sql query Thanks, John
0 14902
11/21/2009 6:13 AM
3 Replies and 8515 Views Weird Issue in DMX 3.5.6 for a user  8515  3 Started by  Chhavi I have a user who is an Administrator for a portal.&160; When she logs into one of the portals and tries to create a new Folder or Item under the DMX root folder she gets an error 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'&160;&160; She is able to create new folders and documents under all other folders.&160; There are two entries in the Event log when she gets the error. &160; 5/23/2008 9:28:55 AM&160;&160; Page Load Exception&160;&160; amarks1&160;&160;&160;&160; Ass...
3 8515
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/28/2008 10:22 PM
1 Replies and 6745 Views Access to files from Windows Explorer on server?? - Need help ASAP!  6745  1 Started by  Jim Matz It seems that our Dot Net Nuke site has died.&160; I want to be able to grab all the forms that we had out on Document Exchange 3 but i'm not sure if they can be found on that server in windows explorer so I can copy them to the new server&160; If so, where would I look and is this possible&160;&160; THanks!!
1 6745
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/21/2008 9:03 PM
27 Replies and 35383 Views PDF Files being corrupted  35383  27 Started by  Earnie Eng
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
I am running two different sites, seperate servers both DNN sites are version 4.0.2, running DMX 3.02.01 both running on Windows Server 2003,  and SQL 2005 Express configured for SQL 2000 compatibility. Yet one of the site's DMX module is corrupting PDF files uploaded. After uploading, I attempted to download the PDF to view it.  Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 says that the file, whether I open it directly, or download it first, is corrupted.  The error message from Acrobat is:...
27 35383
by  AlanChenJump to last post
05/02/2008 3:27 PM
1 Replies and 6877 Views How to change Log Time  6877  1 Started by  stephan schneider Hello Peter, I tried to change the time Log-Entries are kept. By default this seem to be 60 days. When I try to change this, the change has no effect. This are still 60 days. We need to set this higher e.g. 365 days or more.&160; How can this be changed
1 6877
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/27/2008 10:08 PM
7 Replies and 6990 Views Intermediate problem downloading files from DMX 3  6990  7 Started by  Corey Cook We are currently running DNN V3.0.0 and DMX V3.&160; We have intermediate issues with people not being able to download the file from DMX - it just doesn't allow them to save it - but the person next to them can - and they have the same setup. &160; Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. &160;
7 6990
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/15/2008 9:16 PM
7 Replies and 8698 Views Cannot Download Files after Upgrade to DNN 4.5.5  8698  7 Started by  Guido Kuehler We have upgrade our Portal before 2 weeks and can't currently download no files from the DMX Module. When  you see on the followed url you can navigate in the navigator and in the DMX-Module but we caanot download any file. When we click on download the progressbar in the webbrowser is running and after any seconds comes The Page cannot displayed. You can test this self on our Portal. Any ideas to reso...
7 8698
by  Guido KuehlerJump to last post
02/08/2008 4:26 PM
3 Replies and 6242 Views Lock and unlock document  6242  3 Started by  Robrecht Siera When users get edit permissions, they shouldn't always get the possibility to lock or unlock a document. Can I make sure they can't Many thanks, Anna
3 6242
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/16/2008 12:51 PM
2 Replies and 6320 Views possible to turn off rename files?  6320  2 Started by  nicholas smeaton Hi, I know it's possible to turn off the renaming of file extentions, but what about the filename itself (ie - I want to leave the filename and extention intact)
2 6320
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/08/2008 7:41 PM
12 Replies and 7338 Views private settings and host priviledges  7338  12 Started by  josh ok so heres the question. we are running DNN 4.4.0 and DMX 3.04.08. whenever someone uploads a file and/or creates a folder, when they check Private, no one, not even the admin or host login can see it. any ideas on this and how a super user can not even see these files. i remember reading that the admins and the user that labeled it as private could see the files.
12 7338
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/08/2008 7:39 PM
2 Replies and 6492 Views Import Mass Documents and Folders into DMX Pro  6492  2 Started by  Stuart Hilbert I was wondering if it possible to mass import a folder and document structure into DMX Pro.   Having to do a little SQL isn't an issue if you can get me in the right direction. Thank You, Stuart
2 6492
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/21/2007 6:30 PM
1 Replies and 8587 Views Access to Path FileTypes2.xml denied  8587  1 Started by  Vineet Belani   Hi All, We have been using DMXLite 3.0.7 running on DNN 3.2.2 and everything was wroking great until recently we upgraded our server and control panel to 8.2.0. We are now getting the following error when we try and access documents. Can you please help DefaultDataProvider: DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke.SqlDataProvider InnerException: Access to the path "E:\Webspace\\httpdocs\DesktopModules\Bring2mind\DMXLite\FileTypes2.xml" is denied....
1 8587
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/29/2007 9:47 AM
3 Replies and 6016 Views Error when importing a file  6016  3 Started by  dmxnaiveuser Hi, I am just beginning to use this module. I get the following error when I try to add  a new item to the Module. Critical Error: Access to the file ' Virtual path\filename' is denied.  I am not able to figure out what access I need to post a new file.   Thanks.
3 6016
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/16/2007 7:19 AM
3 Replies and 6886 Views Large file upload limit ?  6886  3 Started by  Fabien ROCHE Hi We use DMX in the factory and need to upload large files (about 10-20 Mo). When we try from internal network, all is OK (I'd have before the maxlimit in the web.config) : we can upload file with about 40Mo. But today, I try to upload a file (10Mo) from home and I receive an error message : Server Error in / Application Runtime Error             What's wrong    
3 6886
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/24/2007 9:45 AM
2 Replies and 7229 Views Allow view but not download  7229  2 Started by  ngregg I am trying to set up a library of documents for our web portal that will allow my users to view the documents, but NOT allow download.  I can't figure out how to do so....somebody help! Thanks!
2 7229
by  ngreggJump to last post
10/15/2007 5:55 PM
1 Replies and 5897 Views Wrong Link for Download  5897  1 Started by  Hans-Peter Schelian Peter, my customer reports a mysterious problem. Let me try to explain what happens: The customer click on the download link for the file "". Now the download starts, but not with the file " but with the fileXXX. If the customer clicks one more time the download link of the file "", the download of the correct file starts, and everything seems to be fine. The biggest problem is, that the wrong file c...
1 5897
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/11/2007 9:20 PM
4 Replies and 6164 Views order of document  6164  4 Started by  dave Hi,   I have recently implemented the document exchange module on a clients website. is there any way to control view order of the documents that are uploaded in the site. At present all files are ordered alphabetically. I would like to set the order to display as they are loaded into the application.   any assistance appreciated.   thanks
4 6164
by  Guido KuehlerJump to last post
09/24/2007 8:13 AM
5 Replies and 6334 Views Large File Download Question  6334  5 Started by  Bryan Farley I recently submitted a bug report about an issue I was having where when downloading large files (250MB and 675MB) the memory usage on the ASP.NET worker process was increasing by the same size of the file, and that in some cases this memory never got freed up.  The files upload fine, and I have my web.config set to allow me to download files this large.  Essentially what happens is that when I start downloading the file, I can see the memory usage climb up in the task manager as the f...
5 6334
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/13/2007 10:39 AM
1 Replies and 5714 Views Alternate to Upload a large file  5714  1 Started by  Aruba Networks Hi All, I realized that the features for uploading a large file would not be available until next release. However, I have an urgent need to put a file for customer to download as much as 400Mb. Is there an alternative that I can do for putting file in my module without actually uploading it Maybe I can just copy it into the folder, but how to setup the permission. I am afraid that it will break the system. Please help....
1 5714
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/13/2007 10:37 AM
1 Replies and 5745 Views Two sets of roles?  5745  1 Started by  adobevaio I tried searching the forum using the keyword "role" before posting this question. I couldn't find the answer I am looking for so please help me. Our company's programmers are implementing DNN and DMX for our department. We were told in the beginning before our commitment that one role set is all we need to maintain for pages and documents access control. Now as we approach our launch date, the story changed to two sets of roles. One for DNN and the other for DMX. Is thi...
1 5745
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
08/13/2007 10:35 AM
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