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0 Replies and 7560 Views About this forum    7560  0 Started by  Peter Donker This forum was created so developers that incorporate DMX can ask questions about the DMX API and exchange information. Note this concerns the DMX and DMX.Core libraries that are distributed with this module.
0 7560
01/23/2008 10:01 AM
0 Replies and 4824 Views Share a document on LinkedIn  4824  0 Started by  Gus Hi I want users to be able to share documents or links to documents on LinkedIn. But what I am doing doesn't work. LinkedIn Plugin generator. If I put a link to a DMX document in there it does not work. And the custom url method does not work either. At this point I suspect this is a problem with LinkedIn. But just wondered i...
0 4824
03/02/2016 2:18 PM
3 Replies and 4396 Views Modify Custom Attributes Section UI  4396  3 Started by  Jason Price I want to modify the UI of the custom attributes section of the document submission screen. Currently it is set up as a table and I want to change the widths of the columns. I also want to be able to span columns if the custom attribute type is a checkbox. The UI does not look especially appealing when a checkbox type is selected.
3 4396
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 10:18 PM
1 Replies and 3719 Views Page size  3719  1 Started by  Joe Craig Is there a place to specify the page size for the default display
1 3719
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 10:17 PM
1 Replies and 3865 Views API Documentation  3865  1 Started by  ForemostMedia Hello, We are looking to develop an implementation for importing and displaying data via an api, and are having troubles finding any documentation regarding the API itself. Would you be able to provide a direction where we can find more information. Along with that, we have been looking through previous forum posts, and it looks like you are working with DNN on some major changes that affect DMX. Has there been a decision made Integrating with a webAPI would provide a much simpler interf...
1 3865
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/26/2015 10:16 PM
1 Replies and 3573 Views API to lock / unlock entry  3573  1 Started by  Doug Moore how do I use API to lock / unlock an entry Dim oEntry As Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Entities.Entries.EntryInfo = Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Entities.Entries.EntriesController.GetEntry(PortalId, iEntry) oEntry.LockedBy = Me.UserId something like this ^
1 3573
by  Doug MooreJump to last post
10/16/2015 3:37 PM
2 Replies and 4090 Views DMXService.asmx  4090  2 Started by  steve mangelschots Hi, I'm trying to connect to the webservice but i keep getting an error. var service = new WebprojectenService.Service(); var login = new LoginCredentials(); login.Username = username; login.Password = password; login.PortalId = 0; service.LoginCredentialsValue = login; service.Login(); var test = service.GetPortalCollectionlist(); my code Server was unable to process request. -...
2 4090
by  steve mangelschotsJump to last post
12/17/2014 4:18 PM
5 Replies and 6883 Views Dataset Schema for API  6883  5 Started by  Ray Hastie I am trying to code the functions to utilize the SetEntry and the LockEntry procedures to save and lock entries through the API. Both of these procedures require a Dataset as an argument in the calls. The signature for these procs are: public bool LockEntry(System.Data.DataSet Entry, System.Guid LockKey, MethodsBiz.wsDMX.TimeSpan LockDuration) public bool LockEntry(System.Data.DataSet Entry, System.Guid LockKey, .wsDMX.TimeSpan LockDuration) public int wsDMX.SetEntry(System.Data.D...
5 6883
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/06/2014 10:00 AM
1 Replies and 4237 Views Partial Code Missing Dependency?  4237  1 Started by  Damian Hello! I've run into an issue trying to compile Bring2mind.DMX (partial code version). I've been able to track down all the project references except for Bring2mind.DMX.Core. I haven't been able to find a dll, and the project as part of the partial code solution does not include the project files for Bring2mind.DMX.Core. Where can I grab this dll so that I can compile the project Thanks.
1 4237
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2014 11:58 AM
0 Replies and 4710 Views Search Filter extension?  4710  0 Started by  Robert Holloran I was wondering if anyone has come up with a way to filter dmx entities with checkboxes in a category format - like this OR;dcid=1;city=20088325;class_interval=1;csflt=7B7D;or_radius=10;property_room_info=1;review_score_group=empty;score_min=0;src=destinationfinder;ssb=empty;;nflt=class3D23Bht_id3D2043B;unchecked_filter=hoteltype
0 4710
03/17/2014 10:14 PM
1 Replies and 4475 Views Changing SelectedEntryId property of FileDropDownSelect  4475  1 Started by  Dearborn IT Is it possible to change the SelectedEntryID of the FileDropDownSelect after it has been initially set
1 4475
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/03/2014 12:20 PM
1 Replies and 4322 Views DMX Version control after editing  4322  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi,     I am curious to know how the DMX maintain the document's version. Suppose if the document is edited more than once and saved whether the DMX maintains all the version from the begining (including the source file).Also is it possible to provide a custom version control message. For eg 1.Test.docx (Source File) once edited the file name should be changed to Testv2.0.docx.Please let me know how to configure. Correct me anything is wrong
1 4322
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
01/29/2014 10:14 PM
1 Replies and 4111 Views add / delete subscription and tell it to email  4111  1 Started by  Doug Moore I found the controller class to add or delete a subscription but it doesn't send out the email notifications. is there something more that needs to be done for it to do the rest of the actions of notifications like if I go to the dmx master module > right click and subscribe or unsubscribe an email goes out. but if I just call the 1-liner subscriptionsController it doesn't email (but does add/delete a subscription) Doug
1 4111
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/10/2014 12:13 PM
5 Replies and 5111 Views Own Rss Feed  5111  5 Started by  oliver Hi I wanted to create my own RSS-Feed. It is actually based on the DMX RSS-Feed, but with some additional data (also within the description tag). I am not sure so far what would be the most elegant solution: - Create a module with a control - Create a simple page (I am not sure if I anyhow need a module, not much of a DNN-expert) And furthermore: - Is there an api from DMX already delivering the RSS-Feed Or what Api should I use best - Is there a way to tweak the link in the documen...
5 5111
by  oliverJump to last post
01/10/2014 11:03 AM
2 Replies and 5199 Views api import  5199  2 Started by  doug is there an api sample code I can do an import I am wanting to do 20,000 files with property values by just using the computer script. i do have the resource files but i am trying to figure out how to use it and where the commands i need are. Doug
2 5199
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/12/2013 12:24 PM
1 Replies and 4563 Views direct query ability?  4563  1 Started by  doug is there a way to do a direct query such as &91;query:SELECT &91;CategoryId&93; FROM {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}DMX_Categories WHERE CategoryName='&91;category:name&93;'&93; where &91;category:name&93; is what is used on the CatLink.html or can I create my own tag &91;MyQueryGetCat:&91;category:name&93;&93; and place my code somewhere that could run this anyone point me in the right direction Doug
1 4563
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/12/2013 12:20 PM
1 Replies and 4412 Views How to find portalId  4412  1 Started by  Brian Jensen Hi I'm trying to use the webservice DMXService.asmx and getting an error when calling GetPortalCollectionList. Now I wonder how to see with PortalId I can set on LoginCredentials. Any idea where I can find it Code: var loginCredentials = new LoginCredentials {Username = 'XXX', Password = 'XXX', PortalId = 0}; var test = service.GetPortalCollectionlist(loginCredentials); Best regards Brian Jensen
1 4412
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/12/2013 12:17 PM
3 Replies and 5918 Views Document Approval Email  5918  3 Started by  Hutch Hi Peter, Yesterday, for the first time since I startted using DMX on one of my client's sites, Everyone got an email like the following: *** Dear Robert, The following documents have been approved: 86- profile info.pdf link: 86-SeptA2.pdf link: 86-AprilA1.pdf link: 86-AprilA2.pdf link:
3 5918
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/03/2013 8:07 PM
1 Replies and 4391 Views Document Upload from email  4391  1 Started by  DrewSK I was wondering, is it possible to create an add-in for outlook that uploads attachments from a selected email to entries table using the API If so, could you direct me in the right direction on how this would be done. I have everything ready so all I would have to do is call the right method(s) from the API to upload my document. Thanks.
1 4391
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/10/2013 11:57 AM
1 Replies and 4423 Views Custom attributed populated via search?  4423  1 Started by  Darren Grayson Hi Peter, Can you tell me if the custom attributes collection is populated by the Search/GetSearchResults methods It appears not to be in my case. If not, is there a way of getting it populated after calling GetSearchResults Below is the output from the VS2012 immediate window. 'Entry' is an object of type SearchResultEntryInfo. Note finding the entry through EntriesController works as expected. Entry.EntryId 101 Entry.EntryType 'File.Adobe.Acrobat' Entry.Deleted false Entry...
1 4423
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/03/2013 11:55 AM
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