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Proposal for DNN Dynamic Localization

Peter Donker, Bring2mind, September 2005


Since DotNetNuke (DNN) has introduced localization features, its popularity in Western European countries has significantly increased. This is based on observation from our sales and email inbox. Since its inception, DNN has been a mostly Anglophonic affair given the fact that all documentation and administration was English. The introduction of static localization allowing the translation of the management engine has changed this. It is now possible to roll out websites that are completely non-English.

However, one final hurdle remains: to be able to have truly multilingual sites. The current (3.1) DNN framework will allow for monolinguistic non-English sites, but not multilingual ones. The ability to have multilingual sites is especially important in countries that have more than one official language. Amongst these is , the country where Bring2mind is based.

Dynamic Localization

The ability to carry content in multiple languages requires what has become known as dynamic localization. The word dynamic, here, refers to content (i.e. text) that is changed by users, not the programmers. Commonly, current multilingual sites consist of multiple shadowing sites. It can often been seen in the url: would refer to the English content entry point and …/de/index.html to the French content for instance. This is a static website solution. The central idea of a portal framework such as DNN, however is to offer content tailored to the visitor on a single page. This eliminates the need/ability to have the shadowing sites. Instead, the framework engine would detect the user’s preferred language and offer the correct content.

The challenge is that we not always will have (or want to have) content for all possible languages of visitors. Should the site then show a blank page? Preferably not. Preferably we would have some ‘cascading’ mechanism whereby we would try to offer the user (1) content in his/her language, (2) content in a similar language, or finally (3) content in the portal default language.

Technical Implications

Dynamic texts are commonly stored in the database backend of DNN. If we take as an example the text/html module that comes with the core distribution, we see that it uses the HtmlText table to store the contents of the module and the text itself is in the DesktopHtml field (there is also the DesktopSummary field holding text to be localized).

The goal of this paper is to propose a solution that is generic. That is, that all parts of the framework and external additions (modules) can use this. This rules out creating shadow tables for every table in the framework that has localizable texts. All these tables would need their own methods. Rather we’d strive for a single function entry point like the GetString function for static localization.


The proposed solution uses a single table to store any string with a locale. These can be retrieved through a single function. A SQL procedure is used and includes the logic to gracefully cascade to find the best localized text.

SQL Data

CREATE TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PG_Strings (

 [Locale] NVARCHAR (5) NOT NULL,

 [ModuleId] INT NOT NULL,

 [StringName] NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,

 [StringValue] NTEXT




ALTER TABLE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PG_Strings ADD CONSTRAINT

      PK_{objectQualifier}PG_Strings PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED


      [Locale], [ModuleId], [StringName]

      ) ON [PRIMARY]



The above will create the table. I assume here one will be familiar with creation of add/update/list procedures. I just include the special function for retrieving the right string:

CREATE PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}PG_GetStringValue


 @ModuleId Int,

 @StringName NVarChar (50),

 @Locale NVarChar (5),

 @DefaultLocale NVarChar (5)





IF (SELECT Count(StringName) AS Hit FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

    WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

      AND StringName = @StringName

      AND Locale = @Locale) > 0


  SELECT StringValue FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

  WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

    AND StringName = @StringName

    AND Locale = @Locale




  IF (SELECT Count(StringName) AS Hit FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

      WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

        AND StringName = @StringName

        AND Locale = LEFT(@Locale, 2)) > 0


    SELECT StringValue FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

    WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

      AND StringName = @StringName

      AND Locale = LEFT(@Locale, 2)




    IF (SELECT Count(StringName) AS Hit FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

        WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

          AND StringName = @StringName

          AND Locale LIKE LEFT(@Locale, 2)+'%') > 0


      SELECT TOP 1 StringValue FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

      WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

        AND StringName = @StringName

        AND Locale LIKE LEFT(@Locale, 2)+'%'




      IF (SELECT Count(StringName) AS Hit FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

          WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

            AND StringName = @StringName

            AND Locale = @DefaultLocale) > 0


        SELECT TOP 1 StringValue FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

        WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

          AND StringName = @StringName

          AND Locale = @DefaultLocale




        IF (SELECT Count(StringName) AS Hit FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

            WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

              AND StringName = @StringName

              AND Locale = '') > 0


          SELECT TOP 1 StringValue FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings

          WHERE ModuleId = @ModuleId

            AND StringName = @StringName

            AND Locale = ''




          SELECT TOP 1 '' AS StringValue FROM {objectQualifier}PG_Strings











The following is a regular overloaded method to call the aforementioned procedure:

  Public Shared Function GetString(ByVal ModuleId As Integer, ByVal StringId As String) As String

   Return GetString2(ModuleId, StringId, Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString.ToLower)

  End Function


  Public Shared Function GetString(ByVal ModuleId As Integer, ByVal StringId As String, ByVal Locale As String) As String

   Dim objPortalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(HttpContext.Current.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)

   Dim defaultLanguage As String = objPortalSettings.DefaultLanguage.ToLower

   Return GetString2(ModuleId, StringId, Locale, defaultLanguage)

  End Function


  Public Shared Function GetString(ByVal ModuleId As Integer, ByVal StringId As String, ByVal Locale As String, ByVal DefaultLocale As String) As String

   Return DataProvider.Instance().GetStringValue(ModuleId, StringId, Locale, DefaultLocale)

  End Function


  Public Shared Sub SetString(ByVal ModuleId As Integer, ByVal StringId As String, ByVal Locale As String, ByVal Value As String)

   Dim objStrings As New StringsController

   Dim objString As StringInfo = objStrings.GetString(ModuleId, Locale, StringId)

   If objString Is Nothing Then

    objString = New StringInfo

    With objString

     .ModuleId = ModuleId

     .StringName = StringId

     .Locale = Locale

     .StringValue = Value

    End With



    With objString

     .StringValue = Value

    End With


   End If

  End Sub


Then, we can also add some helper functions to deal with tables, for instance

  Public Shared Sub LocalizeDataTable(ByVal ModuleId As Integer, ByRef Table As DataTable, ByVal Columns() As String)

   Dim dr As DataRow, Col As String, Key As String

   For Each dr In Table.Rows

    For Each Col In Columns

     Key = dr.Item(Col)

     dr.Item(Col) = GetString2(ModuleId, Key)



  End Sub


Using this solution

Getting table data from the database and localizing the result:

    Dim dt As DataTable = DotNetNuke.Common.ConvertDataReaderToDataTable(Data.DataProvider.Instance().GetCategoriesByPortals(PortalId))

    Bring2mind.Services.Localization.Localization.LocalizeDataTable(ModuleId, dt, New String() {"Name"})

    ctlCategories.ItemList = dt


Setting a single string on screen:

     lblDescription.Text = Bring2mind.Services.Localization.Localization.GetString(ModuleId, objCategory.Name)


Setting the localized string:

      MyNewId = objCategories.AddCategories(objCategory)

      Dim Key As String = "{Localized}Category.Name." & = MyNewId

      objCategory.Name = Key

      Bring2mind.Services.Localization.Localization.SetString(ModuleId, Key, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString, dr.Item("Name"))





