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DMX 05.02.02 Released

The latest version of DMX includes these changes:

Enhancement: Option to specify default sort order
Change: Manual activation now independent from Ajax and Javascript
Fix: Flexible root now implemented in settings screen
Enhancement: Extensions to template view token replace will allow sorting of grids
Fix: fixed wrong url in direct link window if under Friendly Urls
Fix: data migration (storage providers) no longer trips up on folders
Fix: 05.02.00 did not correctly delete dll files it should have
Change: made the rss a bit leaner by moving the namespace declaration into the main element
Fix: Lucene Search provider could go haywire if it did not find its index files. Code has been hardened.
Fix: Copying entries left new ones without title
Fix: Bug in search provider instatntiation caused error reports to the log and failed to load alternative providers
Fix: 5.2.1 left old entries without title
Fix: Without any categories in the portal EditEntryPB.ascx could throw an error
Fix: Web.config edit screen threw an error with withdrawal of IIS 6 handlers
Fix: Logoff issue with RadUpload control in child portals resolved

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