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DMX 05.02.03 Released

Hi all,

First let me apologize for the delay in getting this version out. Under normal circumstances this would have been released about a Month ago. But due to a mishap in the office and the February holidays it got pushed back.

The full change set is here: Note this release is very important for anyone using or intending to use an alternative storage provider like S3 or SQL. Please use this version as 5.2.2 did not have adequate fallback for when the S3 service was not working. Now the document gets saved using the default provider in such a case. A second group of users that need to upgrade are those on DNN versions 5.2.x and higher (5.3.1 is about to be released). The new DotNetNuke includes Telerik controls and has a registration in the web.config for the upload component. Due to naming conflicts with DMX’s own Upload control this meant the DMX upload would no longer work correctly without removing the core one. Although the core one is currently not yet used, it’s a question of time before it is. So DMX needed to change it’s own naming to steer clear of the other one.

There are a number of (mostly minor) issues that have not yet been resolved. One to note though is that Firefox 3.6 shows its own context menu over the Ajax context menu. This is not just something to happen to DMX, it is happening all over the place going by the search results I’ve seen. As of yet this issue is not yet resolved. We are looking to revise the UI components over the course of this year and we hope all Ajax UI issues will be resolved as we upgrade those components.

Enjoy this release of DMX. Work is underway for DMX 5.3. The download for DMX 5.2.3 can be found as usual in this place:

