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Three new DMX extensions released

Document Exchange was designed with extensibility in mind. Most extensions are done for private clients, but every now and then a more generic extension emerges and we put it on the website for you to download. In most cases the source code is also available for DMX customers. Today three new extensions were uploaded to the Bring2mind site.


Allow users to make comments on DMX content just like they do on the core blog module. The code is a straight port of that commenting implementation to DMX. To be used in conjunction with DMX in template view mode.



Do you store a lot of images in DMX? Now you can show them like a gallery complete with slideshow/lightbox. This module starts in a place in the document tree that you decide. Folders are shown as albums, images as thumbnails.



Allow users to ‘drop’ you something. In the module’s settings you specify where the dropped files will go. Need to automatically add a folder per user? No problem. Specify a text for the user to agree to in case you need this legal feature.

