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Peter Donker Becomes DNN Core Team Member

Pasfoto zomer 2002 This has been some time in the making, but as of today, it’s official. In the latest Core Team shake up, I have been promoted to core team member of the DotNetNuke project. What does this mean? In practice not a whole lot will change in the short term. I used to be (and am still) team lead for the News Feeds module project, which meant that I have been privy to the same information as core team members for a while now. Over the years I migrated to other terrains of work for the platform and that has now been recognized. The emphasis will change from the module projects (that are slowly being decoupled from the core project) to specific ‘task forces’. This is something I have been actively pursuing, as I believe a small group of individuals can make progress on very targeted challenges for the DNN project (instead of having everybody do everything). In the coming Months this will become more concrete as I’m starting the first group focused on ‘Internationalization’. More about this in another post.

What does this mean for Bring2mind? Since my dealings with DNN have become more formal, a lot of spare time has gone into helping out developing and promoting this framework. Time that could have gone into Bring2mind, for sure. But it has permitted me to make sure that DMX and DNN will continue to be a good fit. Weekly I take part in discussions within the core team regarding architectural and other issues. The core architects (i.e. those that have the final say over changes to the framework) recognize DMX as a strong player in the module market and will take into consideration issues that are brought to the table by Bring2mind. This has led in the past to changes to the installer for instance. As a Bring2mind customer you should realize that the time that is put into DNN by myself benefits the products of Bring2mind as well as the DNN framework. I.e. it’s a double-edged sword.

Peter Donker
