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5 Replies and 4341 Views Advanced Search  4341  5 Started by  Holger Kopf Hi Peter, i have now added a Custom Attribute called Cluster. But in the Advanced Search i can - besides your standard fields - select only the digit 1. Why can't i select the field by its name ! Is it also possible to search in the description field Regards, Holger
5 4341
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
07/24/2006 8:50 PM
3 Replies and 4376 Views Simple search box  4376  3 Started by  Ron Sloan After uploading the 03.01.51 patch, the simple search box no longer appears, and I see no way to restore it. Am I overlooking something simple Thanks and best regards, Ron
3 4376
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/09/2006 3:02 PM
1 Replies and 4093 Views Quick Search Fields  4093  1 Started by  Holger Kopf Hi Peter, in what fields does your 'Quick Search' search Regards, Holger
1 4093
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/09/2006 3:01 PM
1 Replies and 4210 Views Attach Catalog Fails if Catalog Name Contains hyphen '-'  4210  1 Started by  Joe Rattz I had named my Index Services catalog DNN-DMX and MS Index Service had no issues with this.  But, when I tried to attach catalog in the DMX options, I got the error message, but with an empty message description.  I deleted catalog and created again with name DNNDMX with all the same settings, and I could attach catalog just fine.  There must be something in DMX that doesn't like hyphens ('-') in the catalog name.
1 4210
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
06/05/2006 4:55 PM
5 Replies and 5210 Views Error attaching catalog  5210  5 Started by  Daniel Steinmann Hello Peter I've a problem with den DocExch Pro 3.2.1 on DNN 3.2.1 with SQL 2000 MSDE. The index is working fine, I checked direct on the server. Following error message if I attach my index, in the DMX options: Sql Server could not attach to the named Indexing Service catalog Is it possible to work with the SQL MSDE You mentioned nothing about in the doc. Thank's and best regards  Daniel  
5 5210
by  Daniel SteinmannJump to last post
05/24/2006 11:14 AM
3 Replies and 3918 Views Include Fulltext in Q.S.  3918  3 Started by  Courtney Rogers Not sure if i'm missing something, but in the options section there is an option to 'Include Fulltext in Q.S.', which I'm guessing means to include the content search of the indexing service in the quick search bar. When searching from the quick search bar, I recieve no results, however, when I do the same search in the advanced search screen, using the Contents field, the results are returned. Any ideas
3 3918
by  James GodboldJump to last post
05/19/2006 10:10 AM
2 Replies and 4255 Views Error with 'Doesn't contain' search  4255  2 Started by  ala makota Finally my content search in documents works fine but when using 'Doesn't contain' search I get the error as below. When 'Contains' everything works fine and it correctly returns the documents that contain the word. It is not critical for me but just letting you know. ----------------------------------- An error occurred in the following search: SELECT {objectQualifier}DMX_Entries.*, ParentEntries.Description AS CollectionName, {objectQualifier}DMX_Extensions.Icon16 FROM {objec...
2 4255
by  chai cheechingJump to last post
02/10/2006 9:28 AM
1 Replies and 4103 Views Boolean Search  4103  1 Started by  Adam Tepper Hi there, Can you tell me whether Document Exchange supports boolean searches on words within the document  (i.e. can a user type in 'Microsoft OR Windows' etc.) Also, is a trial version available for download anywhere  I'd like to experiment with the software so I can show my client before I purchase. Thanks, Adam.
1 4103
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/24/2006 12:35 PM
4 Replies and 4555 Views catalog.wci security issue  4555  4 Started by  Brandon Hartsell Peter, I have noticed that if you change the Indexing Service Catalog it seems to change the security of catalog.wci folder in the DMX folder. Then you end up with errors in you file manager and on the settings page of all your modules. Or this could be happening the setting up of the full-text search. Either way I have had it happen to me twice. Once I give catalog.wci Network Service full control of the folder all the errors go away. Obviously I am running DNN on Server 2003 with SQL serve...
4 4555
by  Brandon HartsellJump to last post
01/17/2006 3:58 PM
1 Replies and 4415 Views Search overhauled and full-text moved into SQL  4415  1 Started by  teresa beere johnson Per the release notes : '03.01.53 Search overhauled and full-text moved into SQL Quick Search box is optional as is the full text search when doing a quick search' What does this mean Does it still use the MS Indexing service, or is DMX independant of this now
1 4415
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/07/2006 1:43 PM
1 Replies and 4257 Views Simple search box  4257  1 Started by  Ron Sloan After uploading the 03.01.51 patch, the simple search box no longer appears, and I see no way to restore it. Am I overlooking something simple Thanks and best regards, Ron
1 4257
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/24/2005 12:43 PM
1 Replies and 4241 Views Default on Content Search  4241  1 Started by  Mike Willard The 'Text Search' option seems to provide much better results when doing content searches. Is there a way to set this as default rather than 'Contains'Example: Searching for 'Truck Center' returns no results when using the 'Contains' option, but returns expected results when using 'Text Search'ThanksMIke
1 4241
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/29/2005 9:16 AM
1 Replies and 4728 Views A critical error has occurred.  4728  1 Started by  colin regina A critical error has occurred. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. When I use the simple search I get the following error Anything I can do to troubleshoot the problem
1 4728
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/08/2005 10:20 PM
1 Replies and 4160 Views Search issues  4160  1 Started by  teresa beere johnson Hi, I'm finding that the simple search often returns results that are not in the meta data of the document, but actually in the indexed version of the document. ie - search returns results for no apparant reason, meaning the meta data does not contain the word I searched with, so I open the pdf file and search it, and find the text that I originally searched for.
1 4160
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/30/2005 9:57 PM
7 Replies and 4550 Views Suggestion for Advanced Search  4550  7 Started by  Mike Willard Initially thought I had a problem with the advanced search. No matter which selections I chose, all documents were returned in the results. Finally, I realized that I was making the selections, then hitting 'enter' rather than clicking the 'Search' link below. In effect, I was running the simple search with no value in the text box and ignoring all the advanced search criteria I had selected. We're rolling this out near the end of year on our corporate intranet and I've championed DNN DMX ...
7 4550
by  Mike WillardJump to last post
10/20/2005 8:29 PM
1 Replies and 4224 Views Searching in 3 Lite  4224  1 Started by  Michael Poltenovage Is the capability available in 3 Lite
1 4224
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/09/2005 9:29 AM
1 Replies and 5130 Views Additional values in Select column of Advanced Search  5130  1 Started by  Ken Simpson One has the ability to add date and number (int, float)&160;Custom Attributes for selected file types. However, when doing an advanced search there is no facility for searching for dates or numbers GREATER THAN or LESS THAN a selected value. In addition, when seraching on Custom Attribute date fields&160;the search 'Date Contains 2004' returns all documents with a custom attribute Date&160;in 2004, as it should. However, if the search is modified to 'Date Dosen't Contain 2004', no records ar...
1 5130
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
09/02/2005 7:55 PM
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