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2 Replies and 4476 Views Add/Edit file and Lucene throws an error  4476  2 Started by  Eric Swanzey Hi Peter, This is DNN 6.2.6 and DMX 6.1.4 that runs the Lucene search provider. Please note that the reindex script that your CP provides has been run and the issue still persists. When adding a file to the library, this error gets thrown: Error: Document Library is currently unavailable. DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Field not found: 'Index.ANALYZED'. ---> System.MissingFieldException: Field not found: 'Index.ANALYZED'. at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Services.Search.Lu...
2 4476
by  Eric SwanzeyJump to last post
05/02/2013 8:48 PM
1 Replies and 4190 Views DMX and Aricie Lucene Search  4190  1 Started by  SolihullIntranet We are using the Aricie Lucene Search for our website. DMX is our main document management system. I have the search up and running which is great. The problem occurs when searching for documents within DMX. We have at the moment about 44 instances of the DMX module on the pages using a category template view. We want to be able to show the same document on multiple pages. We also have about 230 documents in DMX. The problem occurs when the search indexes the site, it claims the...
1 4190
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2013 4:33 PM
1 Replies and 3733 Views Date range search in Lucene  3733  1 Started by  VladK We have a number of report files in PDF format and they all have a Report Date (date data type) custom attribute. A good thing is we can search by this attribute in Advanced search. But part of our requirements is to be able to search by date range. I can successfully run a query from Luke: report date: &91;20090101000000 TO 20131231000000&93; What is needed to be done to make it work with criteria like Report Date from and to How and where can I change a user interface Ple...
1 3733
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
05/02/2013 4:32 PM
6 Replies and 4447 Views Broken Results on Search Results Page  4447  6 Started by  Bryan Beswick I added the DMX module to the search results page and switched 'Default View Screen' to Search.ascx. It seems to work really well except one thing: The second line of the search result lists the collection the document is in 'in My Collection Name' where the collection name is a link. The problem is that this link is broken - it points to 'http://localhost/1' for collection 1. (I am running it on my local machine so the 'localhost' part is correct.) Obviously this is not a valid URL. If ...
6 4447
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/22/2013 11:35 AM
1 Replies and 3894 Views PDF documents open *directly* in the DMX search results page; rather than in a new window.  3894  1 Started by  KCB We'd like to have the PDF document results open in a new window and not take over the search results page. (This is of particular importance because we use an iFrame at the moment to combine search systems. Since the DMX search isn't a part of the DNN search results i.e. iSearchable)
1 3894
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/15/2013 2:09 PM
1 Replies and 3361 Views Permissions not enforced on DNN 07.00.04 running DMX 06.01.04.  3361  1 Started by  KCB Hi, we have DMX 06.01.04 which has been installed on top of a DNN 07.00.04 installation. If it matters, we have integrated DMX into the DNN file manager through the provider you offer. One of our folders has a couple sub-folders that are protected by permissions set in the DMX admin. When we search from the DMX search module as a user without permissions for these two folders, we can still see their contents in the search results. If you click on the links, they do in fact open the documen...
1 3361
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/15/2013 2:04 PM
1 Replies and 3317 Views Search on New Portal not working  3317  1 Started by  Kristen diDonato Hello, I have DMX Modules in 2 portals. In one portal, the search is working fine. But we recently added another portal on the same DNN installation (7.0.4) and put an instance of DMX on that. We have only added a few files, but the search isn't returning any results at all. They are just word and txt files. I ran the 'Reindex Portal' script, but still nothing. We are using DMX 6.1.4. Please advise, Kristen diDonato
1 3317
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
04/09/2013 9:57 AM
1 Replies and 3490 Views Order of search results  3490  1 Started by  maoz Hi Peter, What is the ordering mechanism of the search results What affects the relevance or weight of an item Can this be configured We would like title exact match to have more weight than single word match in the content. Thanks, Maoz
1 3490
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/11/2013 5:25 PM
8 Replies and 7638 Views Incorporating DMX Search in DNN Search  7638  8 Started by  Simon Goodchild Hi - I've tried following the instructions from search/help as below, but get the following: If done via the script, nothing is added to my DNN Search Results page If done manually, I add the DMX main module to my search page, and get the following error: An error has occurred. Error loading bring2mind/dmx/search.ascx I've checked for bring2mind/dmx/search.ascx and it doesn't exist, hence the error I guess! Any ideas as functionality wise, my client wants to be able to search their whole s...
8 7638
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
02/05/2013 8:26 PM
1 Replies and 3084 Views Template View Search  3084  1 Started by  slash75 Is it possible to add the DMX search box to a template view
1 3084
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/30/2013 11:27 AM
6 Replies and 3978 Views Deadlocks in LimitSearch method  3978  6 Started by  Simon Hello all, we're having some deadlocks with origin on Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Data.SqlDataProvider.LimitSearch method is this a known issue how can we solve this we are using Document Exchange 6.0.4 thanks
6 3978
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/21/2013 2:10 PM
11 Replies and 3796 Views Search Scope / Permission Problem  3796  11 Started by We are attempting to troubleshoot a Search Results issue. We have a couple of test cases that we are working with from the client. The problem is not limited to the test cases, though. The essential problem is that documents that should be returned for Search Criteria are not returned. The documents in question are in a folder that has permissions limiting access to Administrators and one additional Role. The client-user has this role (and I believe also had the role when I REINDEXED the ...
11 3796
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/11/2013 1:14 PM
1 Replies and 3484 Views Search Lucene Stop Word(s)  3484  1 Started by Where can I find the default STOP WORDS that are defined/utilized when a DMX installation of Lucene is deployed Is this configurable
1 3484
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/03/2013 3:55 PM
1 Replies and 2949 Views Search Lucene Analyzer(s)  2949  1 Started by Which Lucene analyzer(s) are used by DMX and Lucene for indexing and/or Search queries I am trying to reconcile the differencs in Search results that I see in Luke as compared to DMX.
1 2949
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
01/03/2013 3:50 PM
1 Replies and 3013 Views New Search Screen...  3013  1 Started by  Stacy When I click on the search results, either the document path link or the folder link it resets the search parameters above. I will email you a print screen. Thanks!
1 3013
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
12/20/2012 10:57 AM
16 Replies and 4177 Views Search results  4177  16 Started by  Darryl Jenkins I'm having problems getting accurate PDF content search results using DMX v6.03 Lucene Search Provider. I have the latest IFilters installed and my site is running in Full trust. Using LUKE to examine the index, I see some problems. For example, committe is indexed but committee is not. Pilot is indexed but not pilots. There are many cases where words ending in s are not indexed. Using a stand alone third party DNN search engine (Search Boost) and examining its index shows committee (n...
16 4177
by  david@designmind.comJump to last post
12/12/2012 7:08 PM
1 Replies and 3161 Views Search Log  3161  1 Started by  mitewks Is there any search log hidden within the tables We want to keep track of what our users search for.
1 3161
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
11/12/2012 9:10 AM
1 Replies and 3128 Views Search Results  3128  1 Started by  Kate In the Tree View of Document Exchange there's a magnifying glass icon entitled 'Search Results' which you can turn off in the Settings menu by unclicking 'Show Search' in the Document Exchange Module Settings tab. I've turned it off because I can't figure out what it's supposed to do. Sometimes it seems to clear out the current filter (leaving the list of documents blank). Sometimes it behaves the opposite and seems to select everything. But I figure I should understand what its purpose is...
1 3128
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/31/2012 9:55 AM
6 Replies and 3409 Views Search form will not close in IE9  3409  6 Started by  mjlode I am logged on as an administrator. I open the search form and don't enter anything and want to cancel. I then click on the x in the form, but then the form only moves down a couple of lines. It will not close. This is not happening in Chrome and it is not happening in IE9 for a registered user. I am using DMX 6.0.2. Any suggestions
6 3409
by  Peter DonkerJump to last post
10/24/2012 5:54 PM
1 Replies and 3419 Views PDF Search has stopped working  3419  1 Started by  Kate We had a DNN with DMX installed on a development VM. We had the same problems with pdf searching that so many people have had, but resolved them with downloading the appropriate filters. We then downloaded the VHD that that had the development environment, and a hosting company created a new virtual machine for our client from the vhd (now the production environment). It was virtually cloned, so everything should have been the same. Except that the client recently installed some Windows up...
1 3419
by  KateJump to last post
10/18/2012 12:46 AM
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