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Reindexing excessive entries
Last Post 10/09/2007 9:23 AM by Peter Donker. 2 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

10/08/2007 9:03 AM

Hi Peter,

I have been working with a DMX4 portal in trial mode uploading and deleting thousands of files.

The portal seems to be getting slower so I decided to reindex it.

First I hard deleted the contents and sub-directories of all the folders in the portal. There are now only 3 master folders and no files in the repository.

When I start the reindex for the portal it runs for over 1/2 hour and lists over ten thousands of entry ID's.

Is there any way to purge the deleted entries from the database so they will not be reindexed?


New Member
New Member

10/08/2007 11:45 PM

Hi Peter,

I have looked into the tables to see how many records are left over. Here is what I found:

DMX_Entries 17417 records
DMX_EntryPermissions 156457 records
DMX_Log 34843 records
DMX_ShortTexts 15911 records
DMXDAV_Numbers 10000

Since I have hard-deleted all of the folders except for 3, most of these entries should be unnecessary.

I don't know if these were left over from WebDAV deletes, DMX deletes, or because there were corruptions due to the testing I have been doing.

There are 2 portals on this server and all of the excessive entries are from both portals.

So, 2 questions:

1) Can I delete most of the records in the tables? (I can delete the remaining 3 folders so there should be no entries except the root folder.) If so, which tables can I purge, and what are the base entries when there is only one folder?

2) Under normal circumstances will the entries in these tables be deleted when the corresponding file(s) and/or folder(s) are deleted?



Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/09/2007 9:23 AM
Hi Lance,

Hard delete (should) deletes both the file AND the record (including any related records). It's hard to tell why you're still seeing records in the database. Equally, it will be hard to solve as it will be next to impossible to replicate that behavior here. If you want to start with a fresh DMX (i.e. delete all content) it should be enough to delete all records from DMX_Entries. That is the real dynamic data and it will delete any related records in DMX_EntryAttributes, DMX_EntryCategories, DMX_EntryPermissions, DMX_Subscriptions, and the texts tables.

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