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File Navigation Issues
Last Post 10/30/2007 12:57 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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10/29/2007 4:09 AM

I have two different types of issues with Firefox and IE.  I just installed the trial version of DMX 4 on my local machine (Vista) which has DNN 4.5.5 installed.

Firefox v2 - I was able to upload a document, but the double click and right click functionality does not work.  When I double click the screen refreshes, but the file is not opened.  When I right click on a file I see the usual browser menu instead of the DMX menu.

IE v7 -  When I double click on a file it opens in a new web browser window, but the word and excel test files I uploaded are garbled.  When I right click and choose to "Open in Excel" I get the error, "Automation server can't create object".  For this last error I found a post that suggests checking the WebDav forum, so I'll read more over there, but is this something that could be addressed during the installation of the module?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/30/2007 12:57 PM
Hi Chris,
Try to upload the latest version (04.00.06). The garbled part should certainly have been fixed. I keep on chasing browser issues, but this is a 'never ending story'. When you plug one hole some other browser comes with an update and it's back to square one.
'Automation server can't create object' has to do with the client config. IE must be able to run the activeX control or webdav will not work.
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