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cannot open documents
Last Post 02/13/2008 9:50 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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Nico Hoekstra
New Member
New Member

02/13/2008 10:19 AM

For some time we are using version 3 of the document exchange module without much problems. We also tried the new version 4. Unfortunately we are running into problems regarding opening files in word. As far as I understand now, this has to do with the webDAV activex.

We need to advise this module to our customers and need to inform them about the configuration. As I understand it correctly from the postings here, webDAV has multiple issues related to opening documents, Vista, and special caracters in filenames. Advising customers to let their users change their browser settings is not an option. I don't know much about webDEV and do not have the time and energy to delve into all the specifics, problems and workaround. The way I see it now, we are going to advise to disable de webDAV feature. Do you have any other advise, or can you give a estimated date for a 'fix' so that everything will work as it should without the 'hassle'?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/13/2008 9:50 PM

It's not the developer's choice. WebDAV requires BOTH server AND client logic to interact. A website requires this as well, but the client side (i.e. browsers) has been standardized to a degree that I can safely roll out a product knowing it will run. This does not hold for WebDAV. For a start your client program like MS Word will need to 'speak WebDAV' in order for it to download, lock, and re-upload a document. Secondly a lot of effort has gone into making the transition from browsing to opening in Word as smooth as possible. So you're using DMX and you'd like to open document X in Word. Then the browser needs to tell Word to start and load the document. Ahaaa, now you're in trouble because security prohibits any code in a browser to start up programs on the computer. THAT IS WHY security has to be adjusted.

Concerning Vista: Vista now works, but SP 1 of Vista is going to improve matters more. MS admittedly screwed up (in more than one way) with Vista and they're working to set it right. Nothing the product can do anything about. It's life.

My suggestion is: if you're happy with DMX 3, stay with it. It is very stable and does not go outside the browsers boundaries. Alternatively you can use DMX 4 without the WebDAV features (you can switch it off). If you want to offer a smoother user experience in editing content you might want to look at rolling out DMX 4. But you cannot have your cake and eat it. You'll need to invest in the client side if you want users to use their MS Office products to edit content.

Kind regards,

Peter Donker
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