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Import function read access to source folders/files
Last Post 03/10/2008 8:40 PM by Peter Donker. 6 Replies.
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Jeff Parker
New Member
New Member

03/02/2008 9:37 AM

Hi, I'm trialling DMX and when I attempt to import a folder, get the following error message "I can't access C:\Documents and Settings\Jeff Parker\My Documents\[rest of folder address].... Make sure the worker process has read permission on this folder" Is this intended behaviour?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/04/2008 12:25 AM
Yes. It is to inform you that you either have not set permissions on your server's hard disk correctly or the specified path is invalid. Either way the import cannot go ahead because of it. Note you cannot specify a path on the client (you are using a web browser so you can't access your local drive).

Jeff Parker
New Member
New Member

03/09/2008 1:54 AM

Hi Peter, thanks - that explains it. But it does seem a bit counter-intuitive. So in order for a user to import a folder structure, they first some how have to get it copied to the server? Seems strange, when "New Item" can import files from a client PC when they use a browser, as does many other situations, inc. DNN itself when uploading a skin, or installing a module, for example.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/10/2008 10:26 AM
Hi Jeff,
Yes, although counter-intuitive, this is the nature of web applications. You are requesting flat html pages from a server at the end of the day. Although it may seem as though you're 'wired' to it, there is the whole internet between you and it. To protect your personal data, the manufacturers of browsers will do anything to block direct access to your files. The 'single-file upload' is the only technical mechanism available to programmers that will work without modifications on the client.
Jeff Parker
New Member
New Member

03/10/2008 12:08 PM

Hi Peter, yes, I see the issue. How about then allowing users the option that when they import a zip-file that it is expanded into the DMX structure? Just trying to think of ideas to make it more useable for bulk uploads.

Thierry Lach
New Member
New Member

03/10/2008 6:14 PM

You could copy the folder structure from your client using WebDAV instead.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/10/2008 8:40 PM
Unzip is on the roadmap.
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