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can not navigate through folder after upgrade to DMX 4
Last Post 04/08/2008 10:41 PM by Peter Donker. 6 Replies.
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New Member
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04/04/2008 12:08 AM

I upgraded DMX 3 to DMX 4. DNN version is 04.05.03. Website running locally on IIS 5.1 with SQL2005. I followed the steps given in document "DMX 4 Installation". Database is looks fine, run 2 scripts as suggested - DMX 3 to DMX 4 upgrade and Reindex installation.

The whole purpose of upgrading was to get zip and download option so that I could download all the files uploaded in the module easily. However, I am not able to navigate into the folder. It seems empty. I do see the files physically present but could not browse those through website. I tried adding new folder and putting one file. I can see the folder but not that file. I see in database DMX_Entries table, a entry for this new folder and file as well. 

Any help in this matter is appreciated. Thanks!


New Member
New Member

04/04/2008 12:16 AM
Posted By lee sha on 04/04/2008 00:08:27

I upgraded DMX 3 to DMX 4. DNN version is 04.05.03. Website running locally on IIS 5.1 with SQL2005. I followed the steps given in document "DMX 4 Installation". Database is looks fine, run 2 scripts as suggested - DMX 3 to DMX 4 upgrade and Reindex installation.

The whole purpose of upgrading was to get zip and download option so that I could download all the files uploaded in the module easily. However, I am not able to navigate into the folder. It seems empty. I do see the files physically present but could not browse those through website. I tried adding new folder and putting one file. I can see the folder but not that file. I see in database DMX_Entries table, a entry for this new folder and file as well. 

when I doubleclick on the folder so that it opens, following js error is thrown " TreeView1.findNodeById() is null or not an object "

Any help in this matter is appreciated. Thanks!

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/05/2008 10:49 PM


Just a sanity check: you do see the old content in DMX_Entries?

From first looks this is a Javascript problem. Do you have a whitespace filter operating? Is there another module using ComponentArt in the installation (check bin directory for dll with the word ComponentArt in it)?


New Member
New Member

04/07/2008 10:16 PM

Thanks for the reply. I do see old content in DMX_Entries.
In Performance Settings, "Use Whitespace Filter" is unchecked
In Compression Settings, Whitespace Filter has the same entry as described in Host Settings section of DMX 4 installation guide.

in bin directory only " Bring2mind.ComponentArt.Web.UI.dll" is there.
still getting the javascript error, any idea?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/08/2008 9:51 PM
Hi Lee,
Can I see the installation? I've not seen this before.
New Member
New Member

04/08/2008 10:03 PM

Currently my website is running locally on my machine. but I can put it on internet so that you can view it. is it ok? I will let you know URL once it is online..may be by the end of the day. Thanks!
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/08/2008 10:41 PM
Yes, please do. Send details and login to and I'll take a look.
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