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Filtering of documents displayed based on custom attribute added
Last Post 09/30/2008 11:55 PM by Peter Donker. 5 Replies.
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Gaurav Kumar
New Member
New Member

05/28/2008 7:50 PM


can there be any possibility for filtering records based on the custom attributes chosen at the time of upload of document?

i mean we can search the record based on custom attribute but can we have the DMX module display records based on the custom attribute value chosen, at the time of page load or module load?


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

05/28/2008 10:37 PM
Not without writing your own page, no.

Gaurav Kumar
New Member
New Member

05/29/2008 8:41 AM
my own page, i didn't get it, do you mean custom control like custom attributes?
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

05/30/2008 7:23 PM
No, what I meant is that you'd need to rewrite the ViewCollection page that is used by default. There is no setting for this and you'd need to replace the existing DMX UI with your own. You could do this if you invested in a partial source version (299 Euro).

Simon Gammon-Hardaway
New Member
New Member

09/30/2008 4:41 PM

Hi Peter, are there any plans to add a filter on custom attribute feature, I believe it would greatly enhance the versatility of the Module.

I don't have the time (or the code skills!) to modify the source code myself, do you know of anyone who could do this mod for us (paid of course), if its not an immediate priority for yourself.

best regards,



Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/30/2008 11:55 PM
Hi Simon,

I could do it for you. Send me an email on peter at bring2mind dot net.

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