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Large File uploads ver 4.02.03
Last Post 08/26/2008 2:33 PM by Peter Donker. 11 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

06/18/2008 10:43 PM

We are current users of DMX and have always fought the large uploads issue(s).  After looking through the many previous posts concerning large file uploads and downloads and trying all of the suggestions, we are still having trouble. 

Our web.config has this pertinent part.

We are running the latest update we have now lost the progress bar that we used to have.  I have run the Reinstall Config script from Admin -> Scripts and added the


to our Wildcard application map.

We have also changed the web.config to


per the install document.


Everytime we try to upload a document, we get:

A critical error has occurred.
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

Is there anything else I am missing?  We can't get anything larger than about 300MB to upload.  We have need to upload ~ 1GB files at this point.  Also, how can we tell that it is actually using the Write to Disk feature instead of buffering to memory? 



New Member
New Member

06/19/2008 8:07 PM

The original post ate my web.config settings... sorry.  Here they are:

httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2048000" requestLengthDiskThreshold="2048000" executionTimeout="600" useFullyQualifiedRedirectUrl="false" /


trust level="High" originUrl=".*" /

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/23/2008 2:00 PM
Hi Mike,
Can you confirm you're using the (default) DMX 4 Upload component with the upload progress bar underneath? DMX defaults back to a 'regular file upload' if the web.config elements are not there or when the trust level seems to be insufficient.
New Member
New Member

06/23/2008 3:37 PM


Thanks for responding! 

Yes, we are using the RadUploadModule, or at least I think we are? It is not showing up when a file is being uploaded.  The web.config shows it in the httpHandlers and the trust level is set to high for the site.  Below is the section from the config file

... XML stuff removed (Peter)

I guess, that's part of my question, how do we confirm that it is writing directly to disk?

New Member
New Member

06/23/2008 3:43 PM

ARRGGH...The post ate my html again. I must be doing something wrong...  Anyway, Open angles are replaced with ! and closed angles are replaced with ?

!!-- HttpModules for Common Functionality --?
      !!-- add name="Authentication" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.AuthenticationModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules.Authentication" / --?
      !add name="ScriptModule" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptModule, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" /?
      !add name="Compression" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.Compression.CompressionModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="RequestFilter" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.RequestFilter.RequestFilterModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="UrlRewrite" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.UrlRewriteModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="Exception" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.Exceptions.ExceptionModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="UsersOnline" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.UsersOnline.UsersOnlineModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="DNNMembership" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.Membership.MembershipModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="Personalization" type="DotNetNuke.HttpModules.Personalization.PersonalizationModule, DotNetNuke.HttpModules" /?
      !add name="RadUploadModule" type="Bring2mind.Telerik.WebControls.RadUploadHttpModule, Bring2mind.Telerik.RadUpload.Net2" /?
      !add name="WebDAVAuthenticationModule" type="Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.WebDAV.AuthenticationModule, Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.WebDAV" /?
      !!-- This is for CAPTCHA support --?
      !add verb="*" path="*.captcha.aspx" type="DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.CaptchaHandler, DotNetNuke" /?
      !!-- This is for Serving files, secure, insecure, from database --?
      !add verb="*" path="LinkClick.aspx" type="DotNetNuke.Services.FileSystem.FileServerHandler, DotNetNuke" /?
      !!-- This adds syndication support --?
      !add verb="*" path="RSS.aspx" type="DotNetNuke.Services.Syndication.RssHandler, DotNetNuke" /?
      !!-- ASP.NET AJAX support --?
      !remove verb="*" path="*.asmx" /?
      !add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" /?
      !add verb="*" path="*_AppService.axd" validate="false" type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" /?
      !add verb="GET,HEAD" path="ScriptResource.axd" type="System.Web.Handlers.ScriptResourceHandler, System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35" validate="false" /?
      !add path="Bring2mind.Telerik.RadUploadProgressHandler.aspx" verb="*" type="Bring2mind.Telerik.WebControls.RadUploadProgressHandler, Bring2mind.Telerik.RadUpload.Net2" /?
      !add path="/" verb="OPTIONS,PROPFIND" type="Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.WebDAV.DavHandler, Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.WebDAV" validate="false" /?
      !add path="dmxdav.axd" verb="GET,HEAD,PUT,OPTIONS,PROPFIND,PROPPATCH,COPY,MOVE,DELETE,MKCOL,LOCK,UNLOCK,DEBUG" type="Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.WebDAV.DavHandler, Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.WebDAV" validate="false" /?
    !!-- set code access security trust level - this is generally set in the machine.config --?
    !trust level="High" originUrl=".*" /?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/26/2008 12:41 AM
Hi Mike,
Can I see the installation from here? I just want to make sure it is really not the RadUpload that is being loaded upon upload.
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

06/30/2008 10:10 AM
Hi Mike,
I've contacted you through email.
New Member
New Member

08/19/2008 10:25 PM
Is there a resolution for this. I am having the same issue except i can see the progress bar for the file upload. It gives me the System.OutOfMemoryException at or near the end up the upload.
DNN Version 04.08.04
DMX Version 04.02.03
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/21/2008 1:43 PM
Hi Jason,

I'm working on a solution for this.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/22/2008 6:09 PM
The upcoming version (04.03.01) should solve this. Let me know if it does not.
New Member
New Member

08/25/2008 7:37 AM
I am experiencing the same issue with 4.03.00, I follow this article ( to add more virtual memory to the machine but I still have the same problem.

After 100% upload of BIG files 500MB+ I get the message

A critical error has occurred.
Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/26/2008 2:33 PM
Hi All,

I'm working on this but for now the error eludes me as it happens outside the main DMX application. It's either an IIS settings that we're overlooking or it is an error in the upload component DMX uses from Telerik. Currently I'm looking at replacing the latter with another to see if this improves matters. Other than that I just devoted a whole day to trying to determine where the exception is thrown. A solution will be found but maybe not for 04.03.01 yet.

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