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Windows DFS for file storage location???
Last Post 09/13/2008 3:13 PM by Rob Ralston. 1 Replies.
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09/12/2008 6:05 PM

Our DNN portal is installed on our Corporate Intranet with Active Directory. We presently store our repository files outside of the DNN application using Distributed File System/DFS Namespaces. We are also using DFS replication for all of our other remote locations to access the files.

I do not see where you module supports UNC path for file storage location or am I missing something?


Rob Ralston
Basic Member
Basic Member

09/13/2008 3:13 PM

Hi Dan,

I use UNC paths for DMX file repository. In the Main Settings, you will see a choice of Default or a custom value.

In the custom value, you can enter \\ServerName\shareName

If this is not working for you, there are two immediate issues that come to mind. If the UNC path is a different server, which is it sounds like it is,  then the AppPool account needs permissions to it. I always run DNN sites under low level Domain user accounts and then give them permissions where needed.

The other issue is if your site is running Medium Trust. UNC paths will not work unless you create a custom trust settings file.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

Rob Ralston

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