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DMX Webservice
Last Post 10/14/2008 10:16 PM by Peter Donker. 6 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

10/04/2008 8:15 PM


I've earlier used DMX Webservice interface to help me upload documents from my custom application with version DMX 04.02.03.

But now as I've updated to the latest build of DMX (04.03.02) the Webservice Interface Does not EXPOSE the EntryInfo, EntryAttributeInfo, AttributeInfo, EntryAttributeInfo etc Classes.

has there been any modifications to Webservice of DMX and this feature has been Removed? My application has broken since the latest update of DMX because of this issue.

- Varun

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/08/2008 3:46 PM

Which method were you trying to use? I'm puzzled because the EntryInfo is there.

New Member
New Member

10/08/2008 3:58 PM

I'm using DMXService.asmx webservice of DMX module. I've added a web Reference of this Webservice in my desktop application. Now with earlier version (version: 04.02.03) I can use the GetEntry() method of this webservice to Get an output type of EntryInfo object and store the returned object in EntryInfo variable type, but Now with latest build of DMX ( 04.03.02) I could not use this method, as whenever I add the reference of DMXService, I coudl not access the DMXservice.EntryInfo object and thus I could not read any entry.

The only difference I found in the code was that New Build of DMX has RootNamespace declared in project properties, and somehow, now the Bring2mind.DMX.Modules.Business namespace objects could not be accessed in new build if I ONLY Add reference of DMXService as web service reference.

And the problem with me is that I COULD NOT Add Direct Assembly Reference of DMX, I HAVE to Use DMX Webservice to implement my functionality :(

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/12/2008 9:41 AM
Hi Varun,

I'll set up a test for this. I have added this thread to the bug tracker.

New Member
New Member

10/12/2008 10:46 AM
New Member
New Member

10/12/2008 10:49 AM

One more thing, I could not click on Bugnet module's Notify Me link, on this page, so that i could get some notifications on Bug progress.

The error i get is:
"A critical error has occurred.
Invalid object name 'dbo.BugNet_BugNotifications'."

- Varun
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/14/2008 10:16 PM
OK. Funny ... I'd have to enter something into the bug tracker on the bug tracker itself.


PS I'm working 24/7 to get DMX 05.00.00 ready for launch. This issue has not been addressed in that. It was too late or that, sorry.
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