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Partial Source and DNN
Last Post 03/16/2009 12:07 PM by Peter Donker. 3 Replies.
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New Member
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03/09/2009 7:03 PM


I was curious about how the DMX partial source worked with reference to DNN. I am compiling my partial source code on my machine which uses DNN 4.09. When I tried to use this DMX dll in a dotnetnuke portal v4.08, it throws error saying "to use Bring2Mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Dispatch, you must replace reference to DNN with version 4.09 or higher".Can I only use this DMX dll on dnn versions higher or equal to the dnn version that it was compiled with, or is it something wrong with the way I compiled the source.  In the partial source, all references to dotnetnuke dll have CopyLocal and SpecificVersion set to false.


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/09/2009 11:19 PM

DMX is currently compiled against DNN 04.06.02. Normally I will mention the version nr in the release statement.

It looks like what you compiled was compiled against DNN 04.09.00. This can be avoided even when coding in a 04.09.00 DNN installation. What I do is to create a folder 'References' in, or next to, the module folder. I put the minimum DNN version dlls in there (for the latest DMX version you'd use the DNN 04.06.02 dlls). So DotNetNuke.dll and all other stuff. Also any other compiled reference. Keeping it in one place makes it easy to determine what you're compiling against. The next step is to make sure the projects all reference these dlls where necessary. I actually wrote a console app to double check this upon my nant compile.In your case I'd just check the references for all projects by hand in your solution (note I always work in Web App Project mode, so I don't load the whole website).


New Member
New Member

03/10/2009 2:13 PM
Ok. Thanks.

So I added all Dotnetnuke dlls to a new folder (References) in this project and referenced them from there. I am still referencing the other Bring2Mind dlls from the Dotnetnuke bin (Bring2mind.componentArt, Bring2mind...Core,RadUpload). Is that right. That would be the only way that future DMX upgrades would work ..right. Or should these dlls also be in References folder that I created.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

03/16/2009 12:07 PM

Indeed referring to the latest DMX build will ensure you're up to date and avoid breaking things. Just beware that any dll you reference must be there (or a higher version) in your target/production site or will throw an error based on the version nrs.

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