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Import by non-admin
Last Post 04/20/2009 2:56 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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04/16/2009 8:55 PM


I have 3 sub-folders on which only users in a specific role can import documents  (this role has view, edit and add authrization on the folders). Since for every update these users might have to upload up to 2000 documents, I modified the import page with an additional option which allows to specify document categories and whether to replace the documents or not.

the problem I have is that the import menu option is only visible to administrators. Am I doing something wrong or should I just move the new function somewhere else?


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

04/20/2009 2:56 PM
Hi Vicenzo,

Indeed the page is 'protected' by DNN. In the module definition you'll notice the Import control is for admins only. You'll need to tweak that. Also you might need to remove a check in the ImportExecute.aspx. Finally, to make it visible on the menu you'll want to edit the menu file (portal home dir/DMX/Menu).

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