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Zip extract bug
Last Post 10/31/2012 9:59 AM by Peter Donker. 5 Replies.
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Chris Jacobs
New Member
New Member

06/28/2010 4:08 PM

There appears to be a bug with the zip extract function, if you upload a zip file and tick the "unzip" checkbox but not the "use name as folder" checkbox, the items never appear in the document list.  The problem seems to be in the database as I have found entries where both the  "collectionid" and "path" is null.  The DMX version is 5.2.6 on DNN 5.2.3


Author CollectionId Deleted Entry EntryId EntryType FileSize Created IsApproved Keywords LastModified LastVersionId LockedBy LockedUntil LockKey MD5Hash OriginalFileName Owner PortalId State Version VersionsToKeep WorkflowId Path PermissionsOnlyByAdmin InheritAttributes StorageProviderID
Chris Jacobs NULL 0 2010\06\file_20100628_155720_lqR_0.doc 1648 File.Microsoft.Word 105472 57:20.6 1 NULL 57:20.7 1648 NULL 57:20.6 NULL OwIjRbsc7HvvspZYloMJkQ== budget20102011reportcouncil20100318_582.doc 2 0 NULL 1 NULL NULL NULL 0 1 1
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/02/2010 2:51 PM
Hi Chris,

Does the zip contain a file or folder with the same name as the zip in the root of the zip file? That is a known issue.

Chris Jacobs
New Member
New Member

07/02/2010 4:36 PM
Hi Peter

Yes, there were folders called the same as the zip file name, I just tried it changing the zip file name and it works fine.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/13/2010 2:09 PM
This will be fixed in 5.2.9

New Member
New Member

10/25/2012 12:33 PM
I did the same mistake, zip file name and top folder had the same name. all items were stored with collectionId = null and path = null.

How do I remove/delete these items ?

We are running DMX version 5.1.3
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/31/2012 9:59 AM
Your best bet is to go to DMX_Entries and delete from there. If ever something drastic happens and DMX somehow gets screwed up after an upload, going to DMX_Entries is the easiest if you can easily isolate the faulty records.


PS I'd advise upgrading one day ...
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