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Hard Delete logged in DMX_Log Table
Last Post 02/14/2012 10:55 AM by Peter Donker. 7 Replies.
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Stuart Hilbert
New Member
New Member

08/17/2010 10:29 PM

When an entry is hard deleted is it inserted in the DMX_Log table.  Our library is missing some entries and I suspect someone hard deleted them, but can't seem to find an audit trail for it.


Jason Scott
New Member
New Member

08/18/2010 12:12 AM
There won't be a record of the delete in the Log table, but if it was hard-deleted, it will be in your Graveyard (in Portals>[your portal instance]>DMX>Graveyard. I've had to use this before, so I simply searched all of the .config files for the filename that I suspected was deleted. As soon as I find the file, I just have to rename the associated .resources file to the original filename, then re-upload it to DMX.

Again, it still doesn't answer the question of WHO deleted it, but at least gets the file back. Hope this helps.

Stuart Hilbert
New Member
New Member

08/18/2010 1:11 AM

Curious as to why a hard delete isn't logged.  In this case the deletes were folders and not files, but I am trying to figure out who and why they were deleted.

Thanks for the tip about the graveyard I had no idea that was there.


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/19/2010 3:33 PM
Hi Stuart,

There is an constraint on the DMX_Log table to DMX_Entries. Anything that is in DMX_Entries can be logged. A hard delete actually removes the record. This means the log is also removed from it. This is necessary as not doing this would lead to issues in other parts of the application (like notification) as there is no info about the log item any more.

Stuart Hilbert
New Member
New Member

08/19/2010 3:42 PM


I am trying to figure out who hard deleted the files and folders.  When I look at the XML files in the graveyard associated with the files and folders they are reporting that the files are not deleted and don't indicate who deleted them.  Where does the migrated log entry from the DMX_Log table that would show who deleted the folders and files go?


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/19/2010 4:27 PM
Hi Stuart,

Good point. That is lost currently. I'll make a note of this as I think what we could do is to export the Log when we hard delete as well.

Jamie Sutherland
New Member
New Member

02/06/2012 4:57 PM
Have they been able to do anything with this?
It would be good to know who/what and when something is hard deleted.
Or what is the Stored Procedure that deletes these entries so I can at least export them to another table first.
I have V6 installed
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

02/14/2012 10:55 AM
This should no longer be an issue. A file that is moved to the graveyard is moved there with a .config file with the latest metadata PLUS the log. After that it is deleted from the database. You should be able to track "who did it" by going through those config files. If you need to do this quite often you could decide to create some tool for it I guess.

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