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Setting ViewTemplate to load files based on custom attribute
Last Post 09/01/2010 12:40 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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chris parisi
New Member
New Member

09/01/2010 12:13 AM

I figured out to create a custom attribute and tie a file to a custom attribute.    

However the problem that I am now having is how to get the viewtemplate.ascx file (or a custom one) to load just the files that are tied to that custom attribute.

For example, I have a Client that is going to be using the system.   I need to say that a file is for a specific Client (ClientID is the custom attribute, and the value for the client is assigned via a custom control that contains a dropdown list of Clients.)    I then need to limit the files that are showing up to the files that are specific to that client.

I see in the forums that other people have done a similar thing and based on the information in the forums, I was able to complete the first part, but have not been able to locate any information on the second part.

Any help would be appreciated.


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/01/2010 12:40 PM
Hi Chris,

There is no filter function in that control so you'll need to write that data extraction and subsequent presentation yourself. It is not hard as in SQL you have a lnked table linking entry to attribute with a value. You can start with the Shortlist module for instance.

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