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Additional datafields for Grid1
Last Post 09/28/2010 8:31 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

09/16/2010 3:52 PM

Hi Peter.

I need to add some coloumns with additional datafields for ComponentArt Grid, so I need to modyify the datasource. My track breaks off on UI.IContentProvider which is compiled object. I suppouse that we have a stored procedure for providing adequate DataTable. Could you point which one is it or if I am on wrong track, could you show the way to modify Grid1 datasource?

Thank you,


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

09/28/2010 8:31 PM
Hi Albert,

Indeed. You'd need to redo quite a bit of work. The problem is that this is all done in a generic fashion. What you'd need to do is (in the codebehind for ViewCollection.ascx) cut off at the GetGridContents point and supply your own data view. Or, catch the dataview and do something with it after it comes out of the method.

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