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SyncFolders Fails
Last Post 05/16/2011 12:17 PM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

05/16/2011 2:02 AM
Hi Peter,

I just noticed that my synched folder is not synching. After checking the history log, it shows the following error:

DMX SyncFolder Task
Checking 'Gallery' on portal 0Failed folder sync. Message: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime., Trace: at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Framework.SyncFolderSynchronizer.Run(String SourceFolder, Int32 CollectionId, Boolean Recurse)
at Bring2mind.DNN.Modules.DMX.Framework.SyncFolderTask.DoWork()

I also checked the Sync-2011-05.log in ...Portals\_default\DMX\Log and it shows there too. I'll email this to you for reference.

Any help regarding next steps would be greatly appreciated.


Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

05/16/2011 12:17 PM
Hi Jim,

For some reason it is unable to properly parse a date it previously wrote to a file. The file is under portals/[id]/DMX/Temp and is called something like "_temp_20110516SyncFolderLog-1.resources". This (text) file should start with a date/time stamp. Can you check and send me this?

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