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Four modules, one path for approval
Last Post 10/05/2011 11:37 AM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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Mark Breen
New Member
New Member

09/29/2011 4:17 PM
Hello Peter,

I created my initial DMX module in a page on the admin menu. From there I manage the child folders of the main system. I create separate pages and modules for each dept.

On the other pages, I set their top level folder as appropriate, eg QC have a sub folder for all their files.

I set different roles for approving different departments files.

When the system sends a notification of a file waiting to be approved, it directs all users to the admin \ DMX page, which of coures, they cannot get to.

I would like the system to send a URL so that people configured to approve a file can click the URL and see the file.

Am I missing something? Have I considered it incorrectly initially?

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

10/05/2011 11:37 AM
Hi Mark,

Set the default DMX (Main Options) to point to a DMX instance that is visible for all. You can use a DMX that points to a folder with nothing in it. The request will bring up the document regardless unless they don't have access to the document.

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