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Right Click - View Not working on 6.0.3
Last Post 05/22/2012 10:55 AM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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Alessandro Di Marco
New Member
New Member

05/18/2012 10:38 AM
Good Day,
We have upgraded DMX to 6.0.3 (test environment)
So far everything we use seems to be working.

One minor thing is the "Right-Click / View" now opens a modal page that stays blank.

The Previous version of DMX in the same environment shows a preview of the PDF as expected

DNN 5.2.3
DMX: 6.0.3
IIS: 5.1 (test on a Windows XP machine)
Browser: Chrome 19.0.1984.46

Please let us know if there's anything we have overlooked.

Best Regards
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

05/22/2012 10:55 AM
Hi Alessandro,

I'm looking into this. Jpg and text work as before here I believe.

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