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Could not find *.resource
Last Post 07/25/2012 9:41 AM by Peter Donker. 1 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

07/23/2012 6:16 PM
After uploading a file or two, I get a: Could not find file 'C:\inetpub\www...(removed)...\DMX\Upload\20120723114751_47013f8104ab491f8686f3e1f595dd1f.resources'.

After looking in that directory I've either seen nothing or a differently named .resources file.

Any ideas?

Running DNN 6.2.1 Community
DMX 6.0.3

Windows Server 2008 Standard
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

07/25/2012 9:41 AM
These are the uploaded files in their temporary hold. If the files are deleted by another process (virus scanner or otherwise) then this can happen. Verify that there is nothing interfering here.

To debug further: upload a file and upon every step check the contents of this directory. After the upload (i.e. you've just selected a file in the web interface and haven't clicked next yet) a file should be written there. Then you move to the next page to enter title etc. Then, when you've clicked finish it should vanish again. If the file vanishes before the last step something is definitely wrong on the server. If it doesn't even show up at first check disk permissions.

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