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What is the url to map a drive?
Last Post 08/31/2012 3:11 PM by Peter Donker. 4 Replies.
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Ed Jobe
New Member
New Member

08/30/2012 3:32 AM
In the docs , it says "DMX uses virtual roots to show content. WebDAV does not know about this. Every document is
always accessed through a complete path starting at the ‘portal root’"

If I go to Admin>File Manager, I do not see the 'folder' for DMX. In a DMX module, the root is listed as "Document Exchange", but I can't find a folder with this name.

I've tried: -- returns 404 error. -- returns 404 error.;Exchange/ -- returns "bad request";Exchange/Projects -- returns "bad request"

What do I use for a path to the root folder?
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/30/2012 10:38 AM
These are routing errors. IIS is not properly configured if that path returns a 404. Use Fiddler to debug. And failed request tracing if needed.

NB: There is no physical mapping to an existing folder on your hard drive. This is handled by the webdav handler. It makes it look like there is something there.

Ed Jobe
New Member
New Member

08/30/2012 4:53 PM
OK, I'll check into IIS. But suppose IIS was working. Are the urls I gave valid? The statement about the portal root is confusing. If "Projects" is my first level folder below "Document Exchange" that I want to connect to, what would the url be?
Ed Jobe
New Member
New Member

08/30/2012 5:11 PM
Fiddler shows that the login credentials were invalid. I know what I entered was correct, so there must be some setting I need to enable. I'm using hosting with, so I don't have direct access to IIS. In the cp, there is an authentication section with 3 options:
Allow Anonymous Access
Enable Integrated Windows Authentication
Enable Basic Authentication

The first two are checked. Do I need to enable the basic option?
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

08/31/2012 3:11 PM
You must not have Windows Authentication on the folder. Like I mention in the blog post on Fiddler: it's easy to see if the request is not reaching the site due to Windows authentication interfering. And, yes, the urls are correct.

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