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Broken Folder
Last Post 12/17/2012 11:00 AM by Peter Donker. 4 Replies.
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New Member
New Member

12/11/2012 9:13 AM

I have a case of a broken folder:
- When I click on it, the main window with the document-list won't stop loading. From then on, clicking on any other folder won't change anything, I have to reload the whole page containing DMX.

A pragmatic solution would result in simply deleting the folder and recreating it. But how can I figure out/save all the containing documents? Or which stored procedures could help me with that task?

Thx in advance
Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/11/2012 2:10 PM
Hi Oliver,

What you need to do is to drill down to the SQL data. Open DMX_Entries and find the record where EntryId = the entry Id of that folder (you see it when you click on "Navigate" on the folder and you look at the url). Then all records that have CollectionId=X where X is that entryId you could move them somewhere else by setting that value to an entryID of another folder (0 is the root). Hope that helps.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/11/2012 2:11 PM
BTW: do you have any idea what caused it? Are there maybe too many items (like 1000s) directly in that folder (not counting subfolders)?

New Member
New Member

12/11/2012 4:17 PM
Hi Peter,

Thx for your advice - the interesting thing is the hint with 'Navigate', this makes it possible to open the folder. There is no big amount of documents, and I could isolate a single document causing the problem (I shifted it to any other folder by directly manipulating the DB), and the problem persists if I open the other folder containing the document.
What exactly is the cause? I don't know - I downloaded the document and uploaded it again, this seems to fix the problem. I also checked the network-traffic with FireBug (XHR), the answers from the server are all there, so I guess it is rather a GUI-related problem.

Peter Donker
Veteran Member
Veteran Member

12/17/2012 11:00 AM
Thanks for the update. The Ajax GUI is unfortunately somewhat fragile as it relies heavily on Javascript and Ajax calls.
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