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Last Post 12/16/2006 11:17 AM by  Peter Donker
How did you do this Peter?
 1 Replies
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Eric Swanzey
New Member
New Member

12/15/2006 4:06 PM

    I like the pdf-in-place happening on your site at /Modules/DocumentExchange3Pro/Manual/tabid/153/Default.aspx, and also like how pdf-in-place DOESN'T happen in the Downloads area.

    This is pretty close to what I am looking to implement on an existing site.

    Is it done with out-of-the-box DMX and maybe a pdf-viewer addon, or is there more to the story?


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    12/16/2006 11:17 AM
    Hi Eric,
    That is an addon I made called 'TemplateView'. There is more to it than you see. Each page is basically a Word doc that gets transformed to html to show on screen (this includes pictures and all). Then, for each of these docs, you specify a template in which to flow this when it gets output to pdf. This template if another Word doc with a placeholder. The content gets flowed into it when you hit the pdf button and the result is streamed to the client. The great thing is that you can create some kind of corporate template through which to show the portal content in a pdf, specifically designed to look good on paper.
    This addon is currently only available on demand from me and requires some hefty licenses of 3rd party components to make it all work. But at the end of the day you have a very powerful mechanism to maintain portal content and serve it as pdfs as well.
    Note that this solution works with approval in that non-approved entries do not yet show up on screen/pdf until approved.
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