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Last Post 02/09/2006 9:55 AM by  Peter Donker
Custom dropdownlist of DMX Docs in Telerik Editor?
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Andrew Haslett
New Member
New Member

02/09/2006 12:37 AM
    Hi All,

    Just wondering if anyone has already made a custom dropdownlist of DMX Documents for the Telerik Rich Text Editor? 

    (It offers a list of DMX Docs currently in your repository and when selelected pastes the URL of the document into the editor, rather than having to cut and paste the URL manually).

    I did it for the Cutesoft Rich Text Editor a while ago and gave the code to Peter, but was just wondering if anyone had done one for Telerik before I go ahead and do it myself?

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/09/2006 1:01 AM
    Hi Andrew,
    Everything's good down under I hope. Maybe you can post your Cutesoft solution here ...
    Andrew Haslett
    New Member
    New Member

    02/09/2006 1:08 AM
    Sure, I'll try and find that document
    Andrew Haslett
    New Member
    New Member

    02/09/2006 1:14 AM
    Not sure how this is going to come out, but here goes.. (If you want me to resend that document with the suggested changes I can, however you've pretty much implemented many of them now anyway!)

    This was for an older release of DMX and the Editor so some of the DMX function calls I used may have been updated by now.

    Function to return nested list of Documents


    We had a requirement to offer a list of existing website (DNN) pages in a dropdown list integrated into the Rich Text Editor we use (

    The idea is that when selected from the dropdown list, a hyperlink to that page is added to the editor’s content, rather than users having to navigate to the page they wish, and then copy and paste the link. I was able to easily add this using built in methods of DNN which retrieve this ‘nested’ list quite easily (since they use this type of list predominantly in admin controls throughout DNN). I’m going to document this change here: (

    Anyway, we then believed it would be great to be offer a similar dropdown list containing a list of DMX documents, which when selected would provide a direct link to download that file.

    To be able to provide an ordered nested list required sorting the list of documents into their collection, and additionally calculating its ‘depth’ level in order to graphically indent the entry.

    Having to go back to my Uni days (yuk!), I worked out a Recursive function which performed this. I first did it in a stored proc in the DB as I felt this would aid performance, however this would then require associated provider and controller calls and I didn’t want to touch the core DMX code.

    So I ended up doing it in a class and placing it in (CuteEditor’s) HTMLEditor provider file, so it didn’t impact on your code. The GetCollectionContents and GetEntries controller methods were sufficient retrieve the necessary information.

    Basically, the initialise event of the HTMLEditor provider adds a toolbar to the editor and populates it with a list of DMX entries, along with their associated link to download the document. Obviously within the link you need to provide a tabid and moduleID of an existing DMX instance that gives permissions to all users, so I placed these variables in web.config for easy access.

    (*** A problem then exists because that particular instance needs to point to the correct repository to download the document, otherwise a ‘file not found’ error will result, however this would be negated if the proposed changes are made to DMX ;=)) )

    Code Summary

    Anyway, a quick overview of the methods provided below:

    Initialise (snippet)
    • Declares an instance of an array to hold the final list of sorted documents (an array of DMXEntryTree structures)
    • Calls function which populates the array
    • Iterates through the array and adds graphical nesting, and adds URL link to download each entry
    • Adds updated item to the editors dropdownlist.

    DMXEntryTree Structure
    • Holds the contents of each DMX entry to be added to the dropdown list
    • Adds a ‘Depth’ property to each entry indicating the graphical indent that needs to be applied.

    CheckDMXConfigSettings Function
    • Runs a quick check to ensure that the moduleID and tabid variables are set. If not dropdown box is not added.

    DMXRecursiveTree Sub
    • Accepts a parameter holding the current Entry ID and recursively searches for its children.
    • Increments and decrements the ‘depth’ variable as it travels down and up the tree.
    • For each entry found in its children, it creates a DMXEntryTree structure and populates its contents, filtering out deleted, hidden or private entries.


    The functions obviously need to be cleaned up and optimised, however they currently do the job and work without any alteration to the core. We currently have about 500 entries in our portal and there’s no noticeable delay in load times. A few issues that come to mind:

    • Continually calling the GetEntries method is probably un-necessary as all objects in the collection have previously been retrieved through the GetCollectionContents call, although it needs to remain in scope to be accessed.
    • The Recursive function could be overloaded to accept variables affecting filter options, such as Deleted, Hidden, GetCollectionsOnly etc.
    • A permission check could be performed against each entry and not added if the user doesn’t have view permissions on the entry

    These are all possibilities that could be used should you wish to extend its functionality. Feel free to use the code as part of future DMX releases.

    One immediate use that comes to mind, would be to restrict the entries to returned to ‘Collections Only’ (by using an overload method as described above) which could then be used in existing dropdown lists in DMX, such as the ‘Move Entry’, and ‘Specify root Collection’ dropdown lists. These are currently cumbersome to use with larger lists, especially when collections have identical names!

    Code Listing

    Public Overrides Sub Initialize() - SNIPPET ONLY
    Me._arrDMXEntryTree = New ArrayList

    'Load items into ArrayList (_arrDMXEntryTree)
    Me.DMXRecursiveTree(0, 0)

    Dim objEntry As DMXEntryTree
    Dim DMXRootTabID As Integer
    Dim DMXRootModuleID As Integer

    'Get module location of DMX Root with all user access
    DMXRootTabID = Integer.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DMX_RTEProvider_RootTabID"))
    DMXRootModuleID = Integer.Parse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DMX_RTEProvider_RootModuleID"))

    For Each objEntry In Me._arrDMXEntryTree

    Dim sDisplay As String
    Dim sPath As String

    If LCase(objEntry.EntryType) = "collection" Then
    sDisplay = "" & objEntry.Description & ""

    'Just display the linked entry for a collection
    sPath = NavigateURL(DMXRootTabID, "", "DMXModule=" & DMXRootModuleID, "EntryID=" & objEntry.EntryID.ToString)
    sDisplay = objEntry.OriginalFileName
    'Perform Download Command
    sPath = NavigateURL(DMXRootTabID, "", "DMXModule=" & DMXRootModuleID, "EntryID=" & objEntry.EntryID.ToString, "Command=Core.Download")
    End If

    'Perform nesting
    Dim strIndent As String = ""
    For intCounter As Integer = 1 To objEntry.Depth
    strIndent += "..."

    sDisplay = strIndent & sDisplay

    dropdown.Items.Add(sDisplay, sdisplay, sPath)




    End Sub

    #Region "DMXDocLink Methods"

    Private _arrDMXEntryTree As ArrayList

    Private Structure DMXEntryTree
    Friend EntryID As Integer
    Friend EntryType As String
    Friend Depth As Integer
    Friend OriginalFileName As String
    Friend Description As String
    End Structure

    Private Function CheckDMXConfigSettings() As Boolean

    Dim bRet As Boolean = False

    'Check TabID
    If (Not System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DMX_RTEProvider_RootTabID") Is Nothing) And _
    (IsNumeric(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DMX_RTEProvider_RootTabID"))) Then
    'Check ModID
    If (Not System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DMX_RTEProvider_RootModuleID") Is Nothing) And _
    (IsNumeric(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DMX_RTEProvider_RootModuleID"))) Then
    bRet = True
    End If
    End If

    Return bRet

    End Function

    Private Sub DMXRecursiveTree(ByVal EntryID As Integer, ByVal Depth As Integer)

    Dim CollectionID As Integer = EntryID

    Dim objDMX As New

    'Retrieve all entries in this collection
    Dim arr As ArrayList
    Dim EntryInfo As DMX.Business.EntriesInfo
    arr = objDMX.GetCollectionContents(False, EntryID, PortalSettings.PortalId, Nothing)

    'Iterate through all entries in this collection, calling function for each child
    For Each EntryInfo In arr

    'Retrieve details of this entry
    Dim objEntry As DMX.Business.EntriesInfo
    objEntry = objDMX.GetEntries(EntryInfo.EntryId, PortalSettings.PortalId)

    'Add this entry to the final list (if approved and not deleted)
    If objEntry.IsApproved And (Not objEntry.IsPrivate) And (Not objEntry.Deleted) Then

    Dim DET As New DMXEntryTree
    DET.EntryID = objEntry.EntryId
    DET.EntryType = objEntry.EntryType
    DET.Depth = Depth
    DET.OriginalFileName = objEntry.OriginalFileName
    DET.Description = objEntry.Description


    End If

    'Add one to depth before recursive call
    Depth += 1
    'Call function recursively
    Call DMXRecursiveTree(EntryInfo.EntryId, Depth)
    'Substract one from deptth after recursive call
    Depth -= 1

    End Sub

    #End Region

    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    02/09/2006 9:55 AM
    Thanks mate ...
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