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Last Post 04/01/2006 2:37 AM by  Scott Murphy
Invalid account when accessing the file store
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Scott Murphy
New Member
New Member

03/18/2006 1:01 AM

    When attempting to access a remote file store, as described in the documentation (\\servername\share), I get the following message:

    The account used is a computer account. Use your global user account or local user account to access this server.

    Strangely, I get this message intermittently.  (I've tried 4 times, all as the admin, and was successful at uploading a file twice.)  Anyway, any feedback would be appreciated.



    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    03/18/2006 10:57 AM


    Windows permissions work like this: an application can read/write from your server's hard disk and is assigned an account under which it operates. This account in IIS 5 is ASPNET and in IIS 6 NETWORK PROCESS by default. Note that these accounts are the web server's local accounts. So if the server is called WEBSERV on an XP machine, then it is account WEBSERV\ASPNET. To get DMX to read/write to a share on a file server (let's say FILESERV) you must allow the WEBSERV\ASPNET account full access on the local directory of FILESERV. Ask your system administrator to set this up for you.


    Scott Murphy
    New Member
    New Member

    03/18/2006 5:06 PM

    Hi Peter,

       Thanks for the quick feedback.  I am aware of the permissions issue, but can't understand how I was able to add two files without adding the web servers local accounts to the permissions list.  That is, I was prevented from adding files on two ocassions, but also successful on two ocassions. 

       After checking with our SA, I discovered that the data store, used for my root directory, has no restrictions!  As such, I was hoping you might be aware of other reasons for the error. 

       By way of example; on the original failure, the share directory was empty.  Then, just to see if the directory was accessible at all (using Windows Explorer) I added a sub-directory.  Immediately aftewards, and without changing permissions, I was able to use DMX to add a file.  Believing that I must have been using DMX incorrectly, I hard-deleted the file I created (using DMX) and removed my test sub-directory (using Windows Explorer; which is how I created it.)  Then I attempted to add a file again and it failed with the same error message.  I again added a sub-directory (again using Windows Explorer) and then used DMX to successfully add a file.  In this case it appears that at least one other entity must be in the directory before DMX can be used.  Obviously, this can't really be the case, so other than permissions, are there any other requirements or restrictions that I need to be aware of that might generate this error?

       Thanks again Peter.


    Peter Donker
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    03/18/2006 7:24 PM
    I honestly have (a) not heard of such a case before and (b) cannot think of any point in the code which might give rise to this. If anyone can shine any light on this I'd be glad to hear. In the meantime I'd suggest keeping some file in there to start with, luckily a fairly simple workaround ...
    Scott Murphy
    New Member
    New Member

    04/01/2006 2:37 AM

    Hi Peter,

       I found it!  Since I'm using DMX on an internal portal, I have access to all the servers.  On occassion, I would log onto the HTTP server.  When doing so, my logon credentials allowed the HTTP server to access the DMX root directory located on a different file server.  Of course, whenever I attempted to use DMX when logged onto the HTTP server, everything worked.  However, if I logged off the machine, it didn't work.  Given our network, access is limited to domain accounts.  For now, we created a domain account, having access to the requisite server, and modified the service settings to run the aspnet service under the new account.  Now it works all of the time.

       Anyway, I just wanted to close this issue.

    Scott Murphy

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